Lip Enhancement Adelaide at Respect Beauty And Medicine

Lip Enhancement Adelaide at Respect Beauty And Medicine

For centuries the lips have been a marker of beauty. Respect Cosmetic Medicine enhance our lips with liner, colour them with lipstick and enhance their size with liners and plumping agents.

Why Use Cosmetic Medicine for Lip Enhancement?

Gloss and lipstick only help on the surface. Lip fillers however, can restore the natural shape, size and volume to the lips. They improve lip texture and hydration as well as softening and filling in lines and folds around the mouth. They strengthen and sharpen the lip border giving plumpness and  fullness to the lips.

Do Lip Enhancements Hurt?

During the treatment, you may feel a stinging sensation or slight pinch when the product is being injected. The lip enhancement procedure only consists of tiny, hair like injections.

How much do Lip Enhancements cost?

The cost of a lip filler treatment will vary depending on how much lip filler is required. The best way to know how much you require is to book in for your free initial consultation and talk to they specialist team to determine the best course of treatment, to reach your goals.

Lip Enhancement Procedures – Home Care

As with any procedure, there are some important do’s and don’ts which are important to know. These will help you get the best results for lip fillers and also aid you in the recovery process.

Before treatment do:

  • Avoid alcohol and aspirin and other blood thinning medications
  • Avoid Vitamin E, Fast and Spicy foods, Heavy activity and Excess salt
  • Avoid Smoking and smoke exposure

Lip Injections: The Negative Side Effects You May Not Know | Allure

After treatment do:

  • Remain upright for 3-5 hours following treatment.
  • Cleanse your skin and apply skincare and makeup, gently.
  • Eat and drink normally

After treatment do not:

  • Lie down for 3-5 hours directly after treatment.
  • Undertake Microdermabrasion, Skin Needling. Dermal Rolling for 2-4 weeks after treatment.
  • Use Retinol for at least 5 days after treatment.
  • Drink alcohol and use painkillers (they are blood thinners and may increase the likelihood of bruising).
  • Exercise for 24 hours after treatment.
  • Expose yourself to excessive heat or cold including saunas, spas and steam rooms.
  • Do not massage or apply pressure to the face which can affect how the product settles in a particular area.

At Respect Cosmetic Medicine , They have a range of of muscle relaxants and fillers and other cosmetic treatments for you to choose from including:

Respect Cosmetic Medicine Clinic

Address: Shop 31, Regent Arcade Adelaide South Australia 5000, Australia

Tel:  (08) 8223 2282



Company name: Respect Cosmetic Medicine Clinic

Address: Shop 31, Regent Arcade Adelaide South Australia 5000, Australia

Tel:  (08) 8223 2282

